PRIE Mission Statement
The Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) at the San Diego College of Continuing Education (SDCCE) provides leadership and coordination for institutional research, accreditation, and institution-wide integrated planning, including program review, strategic planning and assessment. The office supports effective planning and decision-making through facilitated data-sharing and professional development for integrated planning, in collaboration with departments and programs. Through our work, we strive to enhance student success and support SDCCE's achievement of its mission and goals.About PRIE
The Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) was established in February of 2016 to conduct institutional research and provide leadership and support for program review, strategic planning, and assessment across the institution. Facilitation of accreditation planning and systems-based planning and outcomes tracking were added in 2018. Support for institutional-level professional development was added in 2019.PRIE research provides information to support data-informed decision-making across the institution, including for enrollment management; assessment of student needs and outcomes; assessment of diversity, equity and inclusion improvements for students; governance effectiveness; accountability reporting; program review, planning and assessment; categorical, grant and special program student outcomes; and community and labor market information. PRIE typically supports upwards of 70 ad-hoc projects and research requests from SDCCE programs, committees, and college leadership annually, as well as from the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) and regional partners (e.g., SDAERC, SDICCCA, Regional Consortium for Workforce Development).
What We Do
PRIE staff participate on the District's Institutional Review Board (IRB) for incoming external requests for research and a number of college, district, and statewide committees and boards related to research and planning activities and advocacy for noncredit adult education. We are members of the Research and Planning (RP) Group for the California Community Colleges, and our work is guided by the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Code of Ethics and Professional Practices and the American Evaluation Association Guiding Principles for Evaluators.
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