CalWORKs at San Diego College of Continuing Education serves students receiving public assistance to achieve self-sufficiency through education and career training opportunities.
Meet the CalWORKs Team!

Welcome! Please navigate through the webpage to learn more about the CalWORKs program and services. CalWORKs services are available for eligible students enrolled at any of SDCCE’s campuses.
CalWORKs Eligibility Requirements
- Must be receiving Cash Aid (CalWORKs)
- Two Parent or Single Parent households w/child(ren) under 18 years old
- Must be currently enrolled and attending class(es) at SDCCE
- In compliance with County CalWORKs program guidelines
CalWORKs Supportive Services
- Academic and career counseling
- Work Study Program
- Student success workshops
- Monthly attendance verification support (NOA 116)
- Individual Training Plans (ITP)
- CalWORKs break activities
- Resources and referrals
- Assistance with supportive services (i.e. transportation, textbooks; exam, certification, and licensing fees)
CalWORKs Work Study Program
For more information on SDCE’s CalWORKs Work Study Program, please click here or contact our CalWORKs Job development Specialist, Zuri Williams at (619) 800-3437 or
Need help?
The CalWORKs team is here to assist you. We offer both in-person and remote (virtual) services:
In Person Services
Mondays to Thursday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm.
Contact us by calling our office 619-388-4530 or 619-388-4933 for more information.
Remote (Virtual) Services
Cranium Cafe
CalWORKs is now offering services online through Cranium Café! Mondays to Thursdays 9:00am to 5:00pm and Fridays 9:00am to 2:00pm. Speak to a staff member or make an online appointment.
New to Cranium Café? Please click at one of the links for a step-by-step tutorial on how to log into the Café virtual lobby:
Online Tutorials
How to Log in to Zoom
- Sign up for a free ZOOM account. Check out this Zoom video tutorial.
- Video: Zoom instructions in Arabic, Swahili, Chaldean, Farsi, Kurdish and Spanish
- Video: Zoom instructions in Portuguese
- Video: Zoom instructions in Mandarin
- Video: How to join Zoom on Mobile Device
- Video: How to join Zoom on Computer or Laptop
How to log-in to Canvas
Important Documents and Forms
- CalWORKs Flyer
- CalWORKs Intake Forms (English)
- CalWORKs Intake Forms (Spanish)
- CalWORKs Intake Forms (French)
- CalWORKs Intake Forms (Swahili)
- Monthly Attendance Form (English)
- Monthly Attendance Form (Spanish)
- Monthly Attendance Form (Vietnamese)
- Monthly Attendance Form (Arabic)
- Monthly Mileage Report (Reimbursement)
Call San Diego Health and Human Services (HHSA) Agency’s at (866) 262-9881 or visit their website at
SDCCE CalWORKs Locations
Cesar E. Chavez Campus
1901 Main St.
San Diego, CA 92113
CCE at Miramar College
10440 Black Mountain Rd.
San Diego, CA 92126
CCE Mesa College
17350 Armstrong Pl.
San Diego, CA 92111
Educational Cultural Complex
4343 Ocean View Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92113
Mid-City Campus
3792 Fairmount Ave.
San Diego, CA 92105
North-City Campus
8355 Aero Dr.
San Diego, CA 92123
West-City Campus
3249 Fordham St
San Diego, CA 92110